Nos dedicamos a cuidar todo el proceso de un ataque cibernético. Queremos ser tu aliado en ciberseguridad, colaborando estrechamente contigo para que notes que trabajamos juntos como un equipo unido.


Desde el principio, estamos a tu lado para brindarte orientación y proporcionarte las herramientas esenciales para tu protección. Identificamos y notificamos cualquier vulnerabilidad de seguridad antes de que un ciberdelincuente tenga la oportunidad de hacerlo.


Actuamos de inmediato para detener y bloquear los ciberataques en tiempo real. Te mantenemos informado y seguimos de cerca el incidente hasta encontrar una solución efectiva.


Disponemos de las herramientas y soluciones más avanzadas para respaldar la toma de decisiones y resolver cualquier incidencia, abarcando desde la arquitectura de hardware hasta el modelo y desarrollo de software.


Who We Are?

LANHAX is a company specialized in cybersecurity, known for its professionalism and close relationship with all its clients.

We understand the critical importance of safeguarding your company’s digital assets in an increasingly challenging and dynamic environment. Our highly trained and experienced team is dedicated to providing comprehensive and customized solutions tailored to the specific needs of your organization.

We are committed to staying at the forefront of the latest technologies and trends in cybersecurity to ensure that your company is protected against emerging cyber threats. Your trust in us is the driving force behind our continuous pursuit of excellence in the field of digital security.

Our specialists hold the industry’s most sought-after certifications


Seguridad Ofensiva

Mediante la identificación proactiva de vulnerabilidades en personas, procesos y tecnologías, se busca fortalecer la seguridad de las organizaciones. Servicios como Ethical Hacking, Phishing Test, permite evaluar de manera rigurosa la postura de seguridad actual y diseñar estrategias de mitigación efectivas.

Seguridad Defensiva

Es la especialidad que va más allá de reaccionar a los ataques; se trata de anticiparse a las amenazas. Es como construir un sistema inmune digital, fortaleciendo las defensas de la organización para evitar que los ciberdelincuentes encuentren vulnerabilidades. Esto implica desde proteger los activos más valiosos hasta educar a los empleados sobre las mejores prácticas de seguridad.

Cumplimiento Normativo

Servicio integral de cumplimiento normativo ayudando a las organizaciones a adoptar, implementar los marcos normativos, regulaciones y estándares de seguridad y ciberseguridad más comunes.

Seguridad Ofensiva

By proactively identifying vulnerabilities in people, processes, and technologies, we aim to strengthen the security of organizations. Services such as Ethical Hacking, Phishing-Test, and Crisis Exercises allow for a rigorous evaluation of the current security posture and the design of effective mitigation strategies.

offensive security

Ethical Hacking

Ethical Hacking is a practice used by organizations to evaluate their IT environments for vulnerabilities. This process allows the identification of cybersecurity risks and their proper management. It involves assessing vulnerabilities, analyzing and categorizing exploited weaknesses, and providing recommendations based on the organization’s priorities. Ultimately, the goal is to eliminate these vulnerabilities to ensure the organization is protected against the growing number of cyber threats.

Web Ethical Hacking

Mobile Ethical Hacking

API Ethical Hacking

Infrastructure Ethical Hacking


Phishing Test

Phishing, along with its variants like vishing and smishing, is one of the most commonly used types of attacks worldwide and has the potential to affect everyone—from large and small businesses to institutions and individuals. The objectives can vary greatly, from distributing malware, stealing passwords and personal data, extracting confidential information, to committing fraud. This makes it a top-tier threat.

Phishing attacks have rapidly evolved, mimicking major brands, copying the tone and style of messages, and implementing techniques designed to prevent users from suspecting the emails they are opening. Being aware of the methods used by attackers and the dangers they pose to people and organizations is crucial for creating a secure ecosystem.

The Phishing Test service allows for the planning, execution, and measurement of a phishing attack in a controlled and dynamic manner. Through a Phishing Test, an organization can identify and assess existing gaps in the detection of malicious emails. This way, the organization’s susceptibility to a mass phishing attack or a targeted attack in a real-world context by a cybercriminal can be determined.


  • 360 Management
  • Customized campaigns
  • We simulate a real attack
  • Behavioral analysis reports
  • Segmented results
  • High percentage of user non-repudiation guaranteed
  • Campaign delivery status
  • Email opens
  • Clicks
  • Information entry
  • Result downloads

Crisis Exercises

Before a cyber incident occurs, every organization must be prepared to respond effectively. Proper planning and training can make the difference between successful incident management and a disaster. Once the incident is declared, it’s too late to start planning.

A cybersecurity simulation places the company in a crisis situation, simulating a real attack. This allows for the evaluation of the incident response team’s (SOC) performance, the effectiveness of security protocols and established procedures, and the chain of command. In short, a realistic view of how the organization would respond to a real cyber attack is obtained.

The main objective of a simulation is to identify and correct vulnerabilities in security systems, evaluate the effectiveness of procedures, and assess team performance. This way, the organization’s preparedness for future threats can be improved.

LANHAX’s cybersecurity simulations are custom-designed for each client, considering factors such as the type of company, specific sector threats, the number of users, infrastructure, and latent risks. This ensures that the simulations are as realistic and effective as possible.

Phishing Attack Simulation

DoS/DDoS Attacks

Malware Infection

Sensitive Information Leakage

Seguridad Defensiva

It is the specialty that goes beyond reacting to attacks; it’s about anticipating threats. It’s like building a digital immune system, strengthening the organization’s defenses to prevent cybercriminals from finding vulnerabilities. This involves everything from protecting the most valuable assets to educating employees on best security practices.

  • Awareness & Training
  • Digital Forensics
  • Hardening
  • Incident Response
  • Data Leak Monitoring

defensive security

Awareness & Training

E-learning courses


Videos and microcapsules


Today, companies and organizations invest considerably in cybersecurity technologies, policies, and services. However, no matter how advanced these solutions are, information security largely depends on user actions.

90% of security breaches originate from human error. That’s why it’s essential to educate employees about cybersecurity and digital fraud. Training users to identify and avoid common threats, such as fraudulent emails or malicious links, significantly reduces the risk of incidents.

When users know the best security practices, such as creating strong passwords, avoiding insecure public Wi-Fi networks, or regularly updating software, they become the organization’s first line of defense. By working together, security teams and users can build a strong cybersecurity culture and protect the company’s digital assets.

Graphics and posters


Trivia and quizzes

Social Engineering Tests

Phishing Test


Digital Forensics

Digital forensics is a scientific discipline that investigates and analyzes digital data for use as evidence in legal processes. Imagine being a detective, but instead of looking for fingerprints, you’re searching for clues on laptops, mobile phones, and other electronic devices.

Digital forensics specialists face very complex challenges. For example, they must extract data from devices that are damaged or have been formatted, find small clues within large amounts of information, and ensure that all evidence is collected carefully so it is valid in court.

Every case is unique. A forensic analyst may encounter very old operating systems, unknown programs, or viruses that have altered data. That’s why digital forensics requires highly specialized knowledge and strong problem-solving skills.

At LANHAX, we offer a very comprehensive digital forensics service. We thoroughly analyze all types of electronic devices to help you find the answers you need. Our service adapts to your needs and can be carried out in two different ways, depending on your objectives.


System hardening is the process of maximizing the security of an operating system. Its main goal is to eliminate or minimize vulnerabilities that could be exploited by cyber attackers.

How does it work? Through a detailed analysis of each system component’s configuration, adjustments that may pose a risk are identified and corrected. Simplifying a system’s functions reduces its exposure to threats. Therefore, it is recommended to harden systems throughout their entire lifecycle.

Why is it important? Hardening allows:

Detection of weak or incorrect configurations

Correction of vulnerabilities

Reduction of the attack surface

Increase of the system’s overall security

Incident Response

In the world of cybersecurity, a cyber attack is inevitable. The question is not if, but when. That’s why incident response is essential for all organizations, regardless of their size or sector.

What is incident response? It is the set of actions taken when a company suffers a cyber attack. The goal is to identify who is behind the attack, stop it as soon as possible, remove any trace of the attack from our systems, and finally recover our data and services. Additionally, it’s an opportunity to learn from what happened and improve our defenses.


Data Leak Monitoring

The exposure of sensitive information represents a serious threat to individuals’ privacy and organizations’ reputations. Whether accidental or intentional, a data leak can have devastating consequences. The cost of a security breach can be catastrophic, putting financial stability and customer trust at risk.

Our Data Leak Monitoring service allows you to detect any incident that could affect your company’s image and operations in a timely manner. We conduct thorough searches in various sources, including social networks, to identify possible leaks of confidential information such as personal data, credit card numbers, passwords, and internal documents.

The primary goal is to protect your business and your customers’ information. By detecting a data leak early, you can respond proactively, minimizing economic and reputational damage.

Why is it so difficult to detect a data leak? Even the most experienced security teams can have difficulty identifying a sophisticated leak. Our services provide an additional layer of protection, helping you keep your organization’s information secure.

Regulatory compliance

DevSecOps Consulting

Secure software development is an approach that integrates security at every stage of the digital product creation process. Even before writing a single line of code, thorough assessments are conducted to identify and fix potential vulnerabilities. These evaluations cover aspects like authentication (who can access?), authorization (what can each user do?), confidentiality (protection of sensitive data), integrity (ensuring data is not altered), availability (guaranteeing continuous access to the service), and resilience (the ability to recover from attacks).

By incorporating activities like penetration testing, code reviews, and architecture analysis, secure software development (Secure SDLC) ensures that security is a priority at all times.

What is DevSecOps?

DevSecOps is an approach that combines software development (Dev), operations (Ops), and cybersecurity (Sec). It’s like having a team of experts guiding you throughout the entire lifecycle of your project, from the initial idea to launch and maintenance.

Why is it important? DevSecOps helps you:
  • Create more secure software: By identifying and fixing security issues early on, you reduce the risk of cyberattacks.
  • Increase security awareness: All team members learn to think about security in every decision they make.
  • Detect and fix issues faster: Early detection reduces the time and cost required for corrections.
  • Reduce cyber risk: You protect your business and customers from potential threats.

In summary, DevSecOps is an investment in your software’s security and your organization’s peace of mind.

Our DevSecOps service is divided into four stages:

Initial Assessment




Cumplimiento Normativo

CIS Control Consulting

Technology has radically transformed the way we work. Today, it is essential for almost all of our operations. However, this reliance on digital systems also exposes us to new risks. Cybersecurity has become a critical priority to protect our most valuable information.

What are the CIS Controls?

The CIS Controls are a set of best practices for IT security designed to help organizations protect themselves from cyberattacks. Think of them as a user manual for securing your systems.

Our Consulting Service

Consulting allows you to evaluate your organization’s security level and create a plan to improve it. We offer:

  • Assessment: We analyze your systems and processes to identify weak security points.
  • Improvement Plan: We design a personalized plan to strengthen your security, prioritizing the most important actions.
  • Implementation: We help you implement the recommended security measures.

Why the CIS Controls?

CIS Controls provide a practical and effective way to improve your security. They are flexible and adaptable to organizations of all sizes and sectors. Additionally, they complement other security standards like ISO 27000 and NIST.

Key Benefits

By implementing the CIS Controls, you will:

  • Reduce the risk of cyberattacks: Protect your confidential information and avoid financial losses.
  • Comply with regulations: Demonstrate your commitment to information security.
  • Improve your reputation: Gain the trust of your clients and partners.

In summary, the CIS Controls are a powerful tool to strengthen your organization’s security and protect your most valuable assets.

ISO 27001 Consulting

Cybersecurity is fundamental to protecting businesses from digital threats. Its goal is to establish a strong defense system that detects, prevents, and responds to cyberattacks.

To achieve this, organizations need clear policies and procedures that ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of their information. These documents must align with international standards like ISO 27001.

What is ISO 27001?

ISO 27001 is a globally recognized standard that provides a framework for implementing and managing an Information Security Management System (ISMS). By complying with this standard, organizations demonstrate their commitment to protecting their data and digital assets.

How do we help you?

Our ISO 27001 Consulting service supports you throughout the process of creating, updating, and reviewing your security documents. We offer:

  • Tailored to your needs: We create personalized solutions that fit your organization’s unique characteristics.
  • Continuous improvement: We promote a proactive approach to effectively identify and manage risks.
  • Regulatory compliance: We ensure you comply with ISO 27001 requirements and other applicable regulations.
  • Business protection: We reduce the likelihood and impact of security incidents.
Why is ISO 27001 important?
  • Trust: Show your clients, partners, and employees that you take information security seriously.
  • Asset protection: Keep your most valuable data safe.
  • Legal compliance: Avoid penalties and fines.
  • Process improvement: Optimize your operations and reduce costs.

In summary, ISO 27001 is an investment in your business’s security. With our help, you can build a solid and reliable cyber defense system.


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